Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lip Service #3

I've been accused of being random many times of late, it's true I am, but the question that I pose after being told this so frequently is "what's wrong with being random?" Variety after all is the spice of life, there's nothing great about being boring and monotonous. My mind wavers and changes as seconds go by, and my thoughts contradict each other and result in daily changes to my character, without it I don't think I'd survive.

Lip Service #3: There's nothing incredible or even bearable about being the same from day to day, constant reinvention, the breaking down and building up, that is the way we regenerate.

Think about it. What makes Madonna amazing?? How do designers survive in the fashion industry?? and when did Rihanna's career really take off?? If you want to enjoy life, rather than be content, reinvention, and regeneration are key. Good style doesn't come from having the same thing in your closet as seasons go by, Oscar Wilde once said that "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every 6 months." Though I don't think he actually meant that it's 'ugly', I believe wholly that if it didn't change with the seasons I'd die from the boredom.

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