Monday, April 20, 2009

Lip Service #4

Ever get the feeling that when you rebel against something you create a war with yourself? Like you're an alien in your own body? I've come to the conclusion that maybe sometimes no matter how hard you try to avoid doing something, the fact that you're avoiding it puts you right where you weren't trying to be. Social constructions tend to put you in that predicament. Sometimes you just want to prove something isn't true so badly and instead of proving that you end up fitting the mold. That need to define yourself, to have control over who you are and what you'll be, in the end proves that we have no control, we're products of our social environments no matter what we do. I guess I believe in destiny, that whats meant to be will be, no matter what you do, and how many times you get in your own way. This weeks Lip Service is simple:

Lip Service #4: Sometimes the path you take to avoid your destiny, is the path that leads you to it.

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