Saturday, August 15, 2009

Gone Mad

Okay so if you haven't gotten it by now, I'm obsessed with Mad Men, tomorrow is the Season 3 premiere (YAY!). I'd like to abduct the hair and wardrobe stylists pronto - because if it's one thing no other primtime show can touch (except maybe gossip girl in the fashion department) it's the styling. I've never been so tempted to smoke a cigarette (no I haven't and of course I won't), but still this show is just amazing. When one of my favourite professors said it was everything we study about and more (in cultural studies) I was a more than a little bit interested, but I could never figure out how to work it into my busy schedule. Now that I'm all caught up on season's one and two I vow never to miss another episode. Plus it's set in New York, in a time when I should have been alive - my soul is kindred spirits with the 1960's and there's no getting around that. It's so twisted and juicy, after all it's where (even) the truth lies. I'm excited for tomorrow night, it's amazing how much TV keeps me happy - I guess that's the life of a pop culture junkie. I'm off to attempt one of those crazy artistry like updo's, next week it's the Betty Draper coiff.

The One Earring Blues

Okay so I'm terrible at this keeping a pair of earrings a "pair" of earrings thing. I lost one of my favourite earrings yesterday to a waterpark ride, even though I should have the sense to know not to wear them, stupidity caught me. It's not the first time my duo's have gone solo, so I'm trying to concot the perfect solution to my recurring issue. When I was a teenager in highschool, I used them to decorate my kilt, if they were cute and dangly that was where they went before they ended up in my earring retirement home. I don't quite have the heart to throw them away, so I've got to find a place for them that doesn't include them never being seen again. I've contemplated a modern art project that'll have ever solitary (and I mean solitary) earring that I own that has ever been left alone. But I've been thinking, I can't possibly be the only person that this happens to, so I'm on a mission to solve this one for all of us. That's my new design project, just thought I'd give you all a heads up, because or else we plan to put all our hair to one side for the rest of our lives something's gotta give.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Bloggers remorse

So I didn't really blog at all in July, nor the first week of August. It was a terrible month for me, I can't lie. I wasn't on vacation soaking up rays of sun (I wish). Instead I was thoroughly entranced in life as an intern/communications department assistant/association president, oh and let me not forget studying for my grad school exams. All these things still exist in my life but in the absence of blogging I've come to appreciate my blog time for everything it gives me and the things it doesn't take from me. While I was gone I dealt with everything from lovers spats (still being dealt with) to the more important stuff like catching up on a TV series I've come to love that's circa 1960's (I'll give you three guesses, but I hope by now it should only take one). I can't apologise enough for leaving without a word, but i'm back, with more lip service than before, so get ready to - Read my lips.