Monday, January 3, 2011

Today's Pick: 03.01.11

Color-block Silk Dress, 12TH Street Cynthia Vincent, $50.00;

In my adolescence you couldn't get me into a dress if you beat me. I distinctly remember my mother beating me into a dress for a family photo that I in turn ruined with a less than attractive, noticeably fake smile. Nevertheless now that I've grown up a little bit, I have an obsession with dresses. When I find myself in a cyber frenzy with a need for some e-retail therapy I more often than not find myself perusing the dress selection. I find silk dresses utterly adorable and after a little window shopping on The Outnet, I've found the latest object of my desire -- a silk turquoise and navy color-blocked silk dress from 12TH Street by Cynthia Vincent.

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